Today Jake explored some bread and blueberries, and he loved them! |
He was a very happy boy all day today! |
Except when he got stuck under a chair... |
His favorite activity today was sitting in the Exersaucer to he could watch Woody :) |
Lining up his Firefighters. |
Jake had fun picking out his own toys to play with today. |
He also enjoyed chewing on the basket. |
We played in Chase's room for a while and he took a ride on Kota the Dinosaur! |
Jake practiced his driving skills. |
He checked out the dinosaur... |
He decided he didn't care for it. |
Eating a rice cracker which he devoured! |
Lining up his Sesame Street characters. I lines pretty much everything up. |
Chase has been OBSESSED with this Sesame Street play set since last night and has been playing with it almost non stop. |
He really likes to line up all the little characters. |
Practicing our crawling skills :) |
Sometimes we get tired and have to take a rest :) |
Other times we get stuck under the table. |
Chase did take a quick five minute break from Sesame Street to play with play dough. |
Jake doesn't look the happiest in this picture because he was starting to get hungry, but look at those little teeth! |
Playing with tupperware is so much fun! |
Chase's current favorite toys are these tiny guitar ornaments. Little does he know that Nana and Poppy are giving him a kid sized guitar for Christmas! |
He likes to get out multiple magazines and books to read at once... Silly boy! |
Snug as a bug! |
He was a happy guy today! |
Chase was reading his dog counting book and telling me what all the numbers are. |
Singing "Shake you Booty." haha! |
Pooping again, but this time he wasn't too happy about it. Poor little guy :( |
Teethers have been Jake's best friend today since he has a little tooth trying to poke through! |
Chase was yelling "It's peanut butter jelly time!" |
Tree skirts are fascinating. |
This was so sweet! Chase was showing me how he can give Jake gentle touches and he was trying to give him a kiss. |
Lunch tastes better when you run it in your eye. Just ask Jake :) |