Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Today Jake explored some bread and blueberries, and he loved them!

He was a very happy boy all day today!

Except when he got stuck under a chair...

His favorite activity today was sitting in the Exersaucer to he could watch Woody :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sophie came to play today!

Chase was sitting on the floor playing with these toys and humming "Jingle Bells." 

I found Jake in some interesting places today...

He must have thought he was a gift so he laid under the tree :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lining up his Firefighters.

Jake had fun picking out his own toys to play with today.

He also enjoyed chewing on the basket.

We played in Chase's room for a while and he took a ride on Kota the Dinosaur!

Jake practiced his driving skills.

He checked out the dinosaur...

He decided he didn't care for it.

Eating a rice cracker which he devoured!

Lining up his Sesame Street characters.  I lines pretty much everything up.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chase has been OBSESSED with this Sesame Street play set since last night and has been playing with it almost non stop.

He really likes to line up all the little characters.

Practicing our crawling skills :)

Sometimes we get tired and have to take a rest :)

Other times we get stuck under the table.

Chase did take a quick five minute break from Sesame Street to play with play dough.

Jake doesn't look the happiest in this picture because he was starting to get hungry, but look at those little teeth!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Playing with tupperware is so much fun!

Chase's current favorite toys are these tiny guitar ornaments.  Little does he know that Nana and Poppy are giving him a kid sized guitar for Christmas!

He likes to get out multiple magazines and books to read at once... Silly boy!

Snug as a bug!

He was a happy guy today!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chase was reading his dog counting book and telling me what all the numbers are.

Singing "Shake you Booty." haha!

Pooping again, but this time he wasn't too happy about it.  Poor little guy :(

Teethers have been Jake's best friend today since he has a little tooth trying to poke through!

Chase was yelling "It's peanut butter jelly time!"

Tree skirts are fascinating.

This was so sweet!  Chase was showing me how he can give Jake gentle touches and he was trying to give him a kiss.

Lunch tastes better when you run it in your eye.  Just ask Jake :)