Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Technical Difficulties

I have been fearing this day, but I think my camera finally took it's last breath this morning... I cannot get it to work. I tried charging both batteries, tried changing the memory card and nothing has worked :( I apologize for not being able to post pictures today. Here is what we have done in case you were wondering:

  • Played with puzzles
  • Music time & dancing
  • Play dough
  • Reading time
  • Tent & tunnel fun
  • Built tall things with blocks and knocked them over
  • Took a nice drive around the lake to get out of the house (it's been raining all day), and we stopped to look at some ducks on the shore.
  • We pulled every DVD out of the drawers, every book from the book shelf, every piece of Tupperware from the drawer and then we practiced picking up and singing a clean up song.
  • Everyone took really good naps too! (Except me of course).
It has been a very busy day! I will try and locate our other camera tonight so we can hopefully have pictures tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We all really love our shoes :) Surprisingly these have not moved from this spot today.

Sophie prefers to wear my shoes backwards.

Sophie was taking really good care of her baby. She fed it with a bottle and used a wipe to clean it's bottom.

She gave it many kisses too!

Chase's favorite thing to do is look at books.

"Goodnight Moon" is his favorite book.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Catching bugs!

Sophie did this... I thought it was pretty creative!

Why does everyone love shoes so much?


Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sophie was putting raisins on her sippy cup this morning. She thought it was funny.

It has been a bean bag chair kind of day.

Reading to her baby :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Here are a few pictures from our day so far. It has been a different kind of day since Sophie, Avery and Elliot all came later in the day. The upside: Chase and I got to sleep until 8:30. The downside: we didn't have as much time to play and take pictures. Today has been a good day, and we are having a lot of fun! Avery brought over "The Princess and the Frog" and Chase and Sophie have taken nice long naps :) Now if only the weather could make up it's mind... We would like to go outside and play!

The tunnel did not hold Sophie's body weight like she thought it would! I think she was startled.

I wouldn't let Chase play with my camera and he wasn't happy with me.

Sophie was trying really hard to link those together. She got a little frustrated but she eventually did it!

Elliot was taking good care of the baby!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Busy Day!

We have had a busy day today playing, eating, napping and our friends all came over to play! We had Avery, Elliot, Kaden and Teagan!

Sophie has many silly faces. I like these ones because she can look really mad one second and the next she is happy.

Chase was happy because he was able to stand on his chair and watch the garbage truck.

Going fishing!

Playing with Teagan!

Hiding under the table with the big kids!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Things that are fun...

Sitting on pillows.

"Collecting" toys.

Eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Sitting in a basket.

Sharing with friends.

Reading stories.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Monday!

These girls love to play with the linking rings. They always wear them as bracelets.

Chase and Avery were making "dinosaur stew."

Avery was being really goofy today :)

Elliot and Sophie wanted to feed Kota too!

Learning words with "Your Baby Can Read."

Elliot was showing Sophie how to wear my shoes, but she was having trouble walking in them so Elliot held her hand.