Sophie was eating her breakfast this morning and asked for some banana so I gave her a piece and she dipped it in her cereal and used her spoon to dumb cereal on it. I asked her what she was doing and she said "put sauce on it." Ha ha!
For some reason Chase was playing with the blocks with his eyes closed.
This seems to be Sophie's favorite part of the day when she gets to sprawl out on the ground with paper and crayons and color to her hearts desire.
It was Elliot's birthday today and we were invited to her Dora the Explorer themed birthday party. Here is the birthday girl!
The kids got to do some fun activities: They found a map that told them to climb over a mountain, go through a tunnel and rescue some animals from a lake. Then they got to play for a while!
Chase is waiting to patiently for his cupcake!
Cupcakes were enjoyed by everyone!
Thank you for coming!!